Autobiography of Wilbur R. Thatcher (My Dad) - Installment 3 of 10

This is installment 3 of my Dad's autobiography about his life growing up in Wayne County, Iowa. This page is referring to the town of Corydon, Iowa.

Where the laundromat & barbershop are now. Cleft Staples had a street car café where the Wayne Theater is now. It set on NW corner of old basement. Col. Webb had a sale barn where the post office is now. He sold the site to the post office & kept all of the brick material & built the old sale barn east of town where Vetter IH is now. The old post office was on the square next to CL Parrish Grocery Store. We traded eggs & cream for groceries & chicken feed. The feed sacks were print material which farm women made into dresses.

Summertime brought the Hilah Morgan traveling shows to town where the Dutch Mill & Middlebrooks now stands along with other shows as well.

Carnivals & fairs used to be the thing. Cleft Staples was a flyweight boxer & he used to knock out the best the carnivals had to offer.

Dad’s brother Leck & Arlie Scott used to race horses at the Co. fair & they always came to non-injury blows over the outcome.

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Wilbur R. Thatcher's handwritten autobiography, page 2 of 10